In this fourth installment of our Walk in the Shadows Psychic Detective series, we explore how law enforcement agencies view working with psychic detectives.
It is a delicate dance between the psychic, the law enforcement agencies and the public to which they are beholden. Learn about the ups and downs this can cause on a case as we proceed through this episode.
We’ll briefly cover testimonials, police publications, and even a police officer who is also a psychic detective. We also briefly dip into another famous serial killer case that involved not one, but two psychic detectives: John Wayne Gacy.
Finally, you will be introduced to Beverly Jaegers. She was a very successful psychic detective who taught herself ESP. More importantly, she formed the first supergroup of psychic detectives that went on to solve numerous crimes.
There is still one more episode to come in this series and we really hope you enjoy what’ it’ll cover as much as you’ve enjoyed the rest of this series.
We hope that you enjoy this episode!
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Book Resources Used In This Series
Baldwin, Dan. The Psychic Detective Guidebook
Czetli, Nancy Myer & Steve. Silent Witness
Fate Magazine. Psychic Detectives and Psychic Crimes
Hubbard, Whitney et al. Psychic Criminology 2nd ed.
Lyons, Arthur & Truzzi, Marcello. The Blue Sense: Psychic Detectives and Crime
McRae, Ron. Mind Wars
Randles, Jenny & Peter Hough. Psychic Detectives: Using the Power of the Mind to Solve True Crimes
Wilcox, Tamara. Mysterious Detectives: Psychics
Wilson, Colin. Strange Powers
Wilson, Colin. The Psychic Detectives