Pendulum Swinging

The 10 Steps to Becoming a Psychic Detective

From what we’ve learned, to be a psychic detective one needs to have psychic abilities first and foremost. A big question in the world of psi is why some people have innate psychic abilities that are exceptionally accurate at times, and others are born with seemingly no abilities whatsoever. The natural follow-up question is if psychic ability is reserved for a select few who are born lucky, or can it be learned?

Either way, learning how to be a psychic detective may help to hone the abilities of those who are born lucky, or unlock the potential of those who have yet to develop their ESP abilities.

In the last episode of our Psychic Detective series (episode 5 of our free series), we discussed the methodology that psychic detective Dan Baldwin has devised to help prepare people for a psychic detective session. As promised, we created this article as a reference due to how much valuable information was in the episode.

Dan Baldwin’s Process

Dan Baldwin is a pendulum dowser who is part of a psychic rapid response team. He notes that every psychic develops their own processes; yet after speaking with many colleagues, most of these steps parallel others somewhat closely. He also notes that these steps are great for someone just beginning psychic detective work.

Step 1: Find the right time and place

Peace and quiet will really help your session. Removing interruptions like cell notifications is critical to success. Baldwin says that finding your relaxation is key, so whether that is in a park with the birds chirping, or in your house with the shades drawn and a candle lit, the psychic needs to be as relaxed as possible. 

Step 2: Prayer Work

Acknowledging a higher power is important. The higher power can be a traditional deity, Gaia, nature, the universe, or even the psychics own subconscious mind. The idea is to concentrate upon a powerful, external source of energy that you can focus upon. Baldwin feels that a prayer to his higher energy source helps him keep focused and to ultimately receive better information during his sessions.

Step 3: Meditation

Meditation is key to a psychic detective’s success. Most esotericists speak of meditation as the way to achieve a sense of self-knowing and devote time to meditation on a daily basis. There are several types of meditation disciplines one can learn if so inclined. The important thing is that meditation helps the psychic maintain a calm mind and body. Meditation can be upon self, or a host of other things. Baldwin says that ten minutes before a session typically works for him. He meditates upon the investigation process, the focus of the investigation, or clues that have been found. It helps prepare the meditator for the psychic work that will follow.

Step 4: Clearing Oneself and Setting Up Psychic Protection

When psychic work is performed, especially when seeking out information about tragedies, it can cause negative forces to intercede upon the psychic. To prevent this, Baldwin utilizes prayer and a visualization exercise involving a ball of white light he draws positive influence from. 

He imagines himself in the center of a sphere of white light and seeks out any blockages he may have for his upcoming psychic work. He reflects to see if there are any mental, physical, emotional, spiritual or environmental blockages he is experiencing. If so, he uses the white light and his higher power to help clear those blockage visually.

Step 5: State Intention

A psychic must state an intention that is highly specific and focuses upon the investigative challenge. Baldwin points out that stating “I want to” is very different than “My intention is” when proceeding. “I want” is merely stating a wish. “My intention” shows an actionable plan moving forward. He says that the psychic should think clearly about the intention, be it finding a person, the criminal, a specific clue, a motive, etc. Each intention needs to be stated in simple and targeted language. For those listeners who are practicing magicians, this should sound very familiar.

Step 6: Asking the right questions

Baldwin uses a series of five distinct questions to help him focus on the detective work at hand:

Can I do this? This lets the psychic know if they are in a state to continue that day and get accurate information

May I do this work? This question reveals whether there might be a reason not to continue with the session. Potentially it is a blockage and the higher power, the higher self, will let the psychic know that it needs to be resolved before moving forward. 

Should I do this work? The answer to this question may reveal that the results are something the psychic might not want.

Will I get accurate answers now? This will let the psychic know if they are in a state of mind to receive unfiltered information.

Is this work for the highest good? affirm that the psychic needs to trust their instincts. If they receive a “no” answer, then they should likely call off the investigation or continue with research until another time.

Step 7. Keeping a positive attitude

The situations a psychic detective is put in are more than many can handle. They don’t have the daily exposure and training that law enforcement officers have. When there are heart-rending, dangerous or frightening experiences, it can be a lot for a psychic detective to handle. There are cases involving kidnappings, murders, suicides and horrendous accidents that a psychic needs to work with.

To keep a positive attitude, Baldwin recommends that the psychic always remembers that they are good at what they practice and that they are doing the most good with very important work. A positive attitude is very important because lives can be at risk, and the clues that the psychic can provide may help steer law enforcement officers towards a successful conviction.

Step 8. Never assume an outcome

Any preconceived notions and expectations need to be eliminated. They can color the outcome of any knowledge a psychic may gain during a session. When looking for a kidnapper, for example, it is easy to have a desired outcome. We want the happy ending. Psychic detectives are usually the last resort a family or police department turns to for answers and that usually means an unhappy ending. Passing along a session to authorities that is the result of a happy wish rather that uncolored data will have detrimental effects on the psychics reputation, the police, and the use of psychic detectives going forward.   

Step 9. Begin the psychic session    

The psychic has done the work. They’ve drawn from their higher power, meditated, removed blockages, cleared the negativity, gained a proper mindset by confirming that they should do the session, framed intent and not assuming an outcome. The psychic can now proceed with an attempt to draw from the psychic talent they have been blessed with. Baldwin says that several sessions may be required to ensure the information is as accurate as possible before submitting a report to the police. During this stage, the psychic may want to run audio and video recordings just to ensure all information is obtained. 

Step 10. Let it go

The work is done, and the psychic detective has provided all they can to help. Disengaging with the case from thereon is important. A psychic detective carries a lot of burdens, and it is important to minimize that as much as possible. 

If you are interested in learning more, you can pick up Dan Baldwin’s The Psychic Detective Guidebook to learn more.

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