In part two of this series, we peel back some more layers of the poltergeist phenomenon in an attempt to understand it better.
We begin with a brief recap of what we covered in episode one. You will be introduced to a new term with which you may not be familiar, Lithobolia. This term comes from a 17th century manuscript from colonial North America. In the text, lithobolia was used to define the stone throwing events that plagued the George Walton family. It was thought that a stone throwing devil was responsible at the time.
After our introduction, we shift to covering two prominent cases from the 20th century.
The first case is the famed “Battersea Mystery House.” The Robinson family lived through a hellish event. It started with apports that were witnessed any both family members and a constable. The manifestation then proceeded to get worse with a climax that involved furniture moving and getting destroyed. A famous parapsychical investigator went to the home in Battersea and witnessed the events, including an impossible 90 degree turn for one object. This case was then written about and the word “poltergeist” was entered into common parlance as a result.
The next case occurred in Baltimore. It started with Christmas bulbs exploding and then progressed to having objects of all types being thrown around the home, and at people, from an unseen force. A parapsychical investigator was called in. This gentleman was also a psychologist and he used therapy on one of the residents to rid the home of the poltergeist infestation.
If you listen to any part of this series, I highly recommend listening to the conclusion of this episode to give you an overall feel for poltergeist events. We dig into the type of manifestations that are present during a poltergeist event. We cover most every form of manifestation and how the events typically progress. We also include small case studies involving a table that flipped in the kitchen in Kentucky, stone throwing in Arizona that involved the police, a jacket in Germany that had been moved from a house, and finally a case in Germany that involved lots of water from an unknown source.
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